Benefits of Jiu Jitsu for Kids

  • Bullyproofing: at Summit we teach practical techniques for self-defense, helping kids develop confidence and the ability to protect themselves.

  • Physical Fitness & Athleticism: not only is jiujitsu a very physically active sport, but kids develop body awareness and coordination that translate very well into other sports and everyday life.

  • Discipline & Respect: the martial arts aspect of jiujitsu emphasizes respect not just for your classmates and instructors, but also for yourself.

  • Confidence: as kids progress and achieve success in JiuJitsu, their self-esteem grows, translating into other areas of their lives.

  • Perseverance: JiuJitsu training requires setting goals and working towards them, teaching kids the value of perseverance and the rewards of hard work.

Our Kids Program Is Divided Into Two Age Groups:

Ages 4-7

Our classes for ages 4-7 focus on building coordination, listening skills, and basic jiujitsu movements through fun and engaging activities. We mainly focus on techniques that help kids control their partners and escape from holds, because these are realistic scenarios for this age group. We incorporate plenty of competitive games so kids learn how to handle both winning and losing.

Class for ages 4 to 7 is Monday through Thursday from 4:00-4:40pm.

Ages 8-13

For ages 8-13, the focus shifts to learning more technical jiujitsu. Students also practice situational sparring and drilling to understand how to apply what they learn in real-world scenarios. We also emphasize the importance of discipline and focus during training.

Class for ages 8 to 13 is Monday through Thursday from 4:50-5:40pm.

**Kids age 14+ start in our adults fundamentals class.

FAQs About Our Kids Classes

What are the membership options and prices?

We have the following payment options available:

Monthly Membership:

  • Unlimited classes for one flat monthly rate.

  • Your child can train as many or as little days per week as they like.

  • No activation or cancellation fees.

  • We offer family discounts as well as various promotions throughout the year. Please contact us to get the most current rates.


  • Pay each time your child trains

  • Price = $30/class

What should my child wear to class?

If you look at our schedule you'll notice we have two types of classes ("Gi" and "No-Gi"). This refers to the type of uniform used in the class.

In a Gi class, you wear a traditional martial arts uniform called a gi (or kimono), which allows for grips and techniques using the uniform itself.

In NoGi class, you train in athletic clothing like rash guards and shorts, with techniques adjusted for the lack of grips on clothing.

We have uniforms here in stock at the front desk that you can purchase at sign-up.

Can parents stay and watch class?

Yes, we have seating available for parents to watch class. We just ask that parents do not coach your children and also try to minimize any noise you make during class.

Are there jiujitsu competitions for kids ?

Yes, there are BJJ competitions specifically for kids.

These events are a great opportunity for kids to test their skills against others in their age and weight categories.

Competing is completely optional and our instructors will help prepare your child if they choose to compete.

What should I do if my child is nervous or shy about starting BJJ?

If your child is nervous or shy about starting BJJ, it’s completely normal. Start by reassuring them that it's okay to feel that way—everyone was a beginner once.

You can bring them to watch a class first so they get comfortable with the environment.

Our instructors are experienced in helping kids feel at ease, and we’ll take things slowly to ensure they have a positive experience.

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579 Pacific St, Stamford, CT 06902

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579 Pacific St, Stamford, CT 06902

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